No matter the size, scope or budget of your project, you will need a designer, not just a cabinet or product sales person. What I bring to the project as your designer, is not just a designer, but one with experience, patience and material ordering and scheduling capabilities. In other words, I get it done and get it done well.
My experience comes from 11 years of designing for full scope remodeling projects, both kitchens and baths, and I’ve ordered all the product for those projects as well. In every project, every decision effects something else. I would never say I’ve seen it all, because in remodeling that would be very naïve. I’ve seen a lot and know to never stop asking questions and learning even more.
The decisions you make won’t be easy, and I have a natural patience working with my clients. You will need someone who will stick with you and guide you when you need it, and let you share your ideas when you already know what you want. I get excited for every project I work on! I love it!
It’s more than design and it’s more than selling materials. It’s planning, specifying, ordering and scheduling. It’s customer service.
The most repeated feedback I’ve received from my clients after working with me, was how much fun they had and how satisfied they were with their decisions! Check out my job photos! I’m so proud of them!